Software/Web Apps: 

Inventory Ecosystem

An Android/iOS app and Web App with a backend server used to track inventory and read barcodes. Includes a robust comment system that allows for issue tracking as well as general information.

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E-Card Generator

An E-Card generator for libraries. Allows for a digital library card replacement for those wishing only to use the internet at certain locations.

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Email Reminder

An email reminder system built to create and schedule emails. Was used as a base script in other systems. 

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IT/Ticket System

A ticket system used to report and troubleshoot issues for the different departments within a library system. 

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Inventory Shop

An inventory shop used to distribute items for outreach programming. Features a shop interface and server used to manage/fulfill requests for outreach and external services. 

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Office Supply Request

A supply request system used to send emails regarding required materials and office supply replacements.

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PR System

A PR system used to manage and fulfill PR requests. Includes a mailing server and tasklist. 

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Collections Manager

A system used to manage and check in/out tools, equipment, and other things. 

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Clock Alert

A hybrid Clock and Alert system used to inform patrons.

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Event Manager

An event planning and management system for keeping track of public events, room bookings, and more!

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