Revitalize your brand

Revitalize your brand

Ben Cuson

I'm a software engineer with a passion for all things digital. I've worked in everything from Web and mobile dev to technical animation and artificial intelligence. My specialty is creating comprehensive digital ecosystems. 

Look more professional

Where is the first place new clients go when they're looking for a new product or service? That's right, the web! That makes your website their first impression of you and your company.

With the ever-changing landscape of technology and marketing, making sure that your site is modern and responsive (mobile/desktop compatible) is imperative to keeping your company at its peak potential. Factories, restaurants, and artists all rely heavily on the business provided through their websites. The best of those know the importance of keeping their websites clean and up to date.

Think of the last time you visited a website for something. How did it look? What did it make you think of the company? Did you buy something, or did you close out of the tab immediately to look elsewhere? A company’s site is often viewed as a direct reflection of that company. Ugly, slow loading, non-responsive sites are often seen as used by struggling, poor, or out of touch companies who stagnate instead of innovate. On the other hand, a well maintained and up to date site shows a company’s insistence on keeping up on everything from their self-image to the quality of their product. After all, if a company can't even afford to have a nice site, are they good enough to afford doing business with in the long run?

Optimize your workflow

It's not enough to just look good. Your workflow has to be in tip-top shape if you want to remain competitive in todays job market.

As time goes on things begin to change. Cars need fixing, wine ages, and tools need replacing. Software is no different. While the code itself doesn't change, operating systems, security practices, and programming languages do. Old software, while it may still get the job done, will eventually slow down or be rendered inactive due to an OS or security update. What may have been fine 20 years ago could actually be costing you time as well as income. But there is a solution.  

Upgrade your tools! Many businesses aren't well versed in how quickly software changes. Real time communication, phone notifications, and web apps can all be great for improving your work efficiency. Not only that, but what may have taken 3 years to develop a decade ago can now be rebuilt in days. A quick simple update now can save you years of headache down the road or significantly improve your gross profit!

Adapt the future

Have you ever wondered what separates that local business down the road from the incredible success of mega corporations like Walmart or Google? You may think it's all because of some large investment or a lucky break, but that doesn't account for their long term viability. So if it's not a good start, then what is it?

The mark of a future proof company is it's ability to adapt! Most major companies learned early on that if you wish to remain competitive you cannot just rely on old tech and business strageties. The world isn't a static or consistent place, it's ever evolving and ever changing. Whatever your field or business you'll soon start seeing a rapid slowdown of clients, customers, and profits if you never adapt to modern expectations. Improving your work efficiency, doubling production speed, and reaching more clients/customers are basic upgrades that you'll notice when you update your business to modern standards. 

But how exactly do you go about doing that? It all depends on you and your company's needs. Web apps are great for making your tools and systems accessible from any computer without a need for installing. Mobile applications can be fantastic ways to track progress or keep clients/customers engaged. Updated software can be fantastic for keeping your staff morale up and your electricity bills down. Even simply updating your website or internal databases can have huge benifits in the long run. If you don't know where to start, consider a consultation to help you get set up. 

Ben Cuson

I'm a software engineer with a passion for all things digital. I've worked in everything from Web and mobile dev to technical animation and artificial intelligence. My specialty is creating comprehensive digital ecosystems.